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Tokenization and Word Segmentation

This page provides guidance on marking boundaries of syntactic words in UD. It aims to be a thorough supplement of the short information here (but we may want to merge the two pages in the future), as well as in the specification of the CoNLL-U format.

Words are normally delimited by whitespace characters (but see below for exceptional cases where “words with spaces” may be allowed). The problem we tackle here is figuring out where (and how) one should draw a word boundary even if there is no space. The CoNLL-U format provides two techniques, which we will call tokenization and word segmentation (multi-word tokens).

Which technique should be used?

Tokenization is the simpler and more low-level of the two. A surface string of non-whitespace characters is segmented into two or more tokens, and each token except the last one gets the attribute SpaceAfter=No in the MISC column. Unlike in some non-UD approaches, tokenization does not involve any normalization of the word forms, that is, the FORM column of surface tokens* contains exact substrings of the input text, and the original surface string can be reconstructed by concatenation. (If normalization is desired, it can be done in the LEMMA column and possibly with additional attributes in MISC.) SpaceAfter=No can occur even on the last token of the sentence if there was no space between this token and the first token of the next sentence.

* Some lines correspond to “empty nodes” or to syntactic words within “multi-word tokens” (see below). The contents of the FORM column on such lines does not correspond to a substring of the input text.

# text = Go home!
1   Go     go     VERB    _   Mood=Imp|VerbForm=Fin   0   root     _   _
2   home   home   ADV     _   _                       1   advmod   _   SpaceAfter=No
3   !      !      PUNCT   _   _                       1   punct    _   _

Word segmentation is more complex. The CoNLL-U file contains an extra line representing the multi-word surface token (MWT), and two or more subsequent lines represent syntactic words extracted from the multi-word token. The form of the surface token does not have to be a simple concatenation of the forms of the syntactic words. This is useful for various contractions where the uncontracted form of the word can be shown.

# text = I don't like it.
1     I       I      PRON    _   Case=Nom|Number=Sing|Person=1|PronType=Prs               4   nsubj    _   _
2-3   don't   _      _       _   _                                                        _   _        _   _
2     do      do     AUX     _   Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=1|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin    4   aux      _   _
3     not     not    PART    _   Polarity=Neg                                             4   advmod   _   _
4     like    like   VERB    _   VerbForm=Inf                                             0   root     _   _
5     it      it     PRON    _   Case=Nom|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs   4   obj      _   SpaceAfter=No
6     .       .      PUNCT   _   _                                                        4   punct    _   _

# lang = de
# text = Der Haus steht am See.
# text_en = The house stands at the lake.
1     Das     der      DET     _   Case=Nom|Definite=Def|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|PronType=Art   2   det     _   Gloss=the
2     Haus    Haus     NOUN    _   Case=Nom|Number=Sing                                         3   nsubj   _   Gloss=house
3     steht   stehen   VERB    _   Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin        0   root    _   Gloss=stands
4-5   am      _        _       _   _                                                            _   _       _   _
4     an      an       ADP     _   _                                                            6   case    _   Gloss=at
5     dem     der      DET     _   Case=Dat|Definite=Def|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|PronType=Art   6   det     _   Gloss=the
6     See     See      NOUN    _   Case=Dat|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing                             3   obl     _   Gloss=lake|SpaceAfter=No
7     .       .        PUNCT   _   _                                                            3   punct   _   Gloss=.

We observe that the latter technique (word segmentation) could be used to encode tokenization too (except for the rare case where SpaceAfter=No occurs at the end of the sentence). But it is not supposed to be used in such cases.

In most languages, tokenization is used whenever a punctuation symbol occurs on one or both sides of the word boundary. A prototypical example: typographical rules of the language require that comma be written adjacent to the preceding word but in UD, we have to make them two independent tokens: the word and the comma.

On the other hand, a word boundary between two adjacent letters should almost always be encoded as a multi-word token, even if the forms of the syntactic words are proper substrings of the surface form. There is one exception though. In writing systems where orthographic words are not delimited by spaces (such as Chinese and Japanese), the token boundaries are encoded using SpaceAfter=No, i.e., the low-level tokenization. One reason is simplicity; the other reason is that a multi-word token can be interpreted as an orthographic word, and there are no orthographic words in these writing systems (we would have to annotate the entire sentence as one orthographic “word”).

# lang = zh
# text = 現在我們在瓦倫西亞。
# translit = Xiànzài wǒmen zài wǎlúnxīyǎ.
# text_en = We are now in Valencia.
1     現在     現在     ADV     _   _                                   4   advmod   _   Gloss=now|SpaceAfter=No
2     我們     我      PRON    _   Number=Plur|Person=1|PronType=Prs   4   nsubj    _   Gloss=we|SpaceAfter=No
3     在      在      ADP     _   _                                   4   case     _   Gloss=in|SpaceAfter=No
4     瓦倫西亞   瓦倫西亞   PROPN   _   _                                   0   root     _   Gloss=Valencia|SpaceAfter=No
5     。      。      PUNCT   _   _                                   4   punct    _   Gloss=.|SpaceAfter=No

Tokenization rules

UD does not have strict universal tokenization rules, although it is desirable to harmonize tokenization at least across different treebanks of one language. Unfortunately, tokenization is sometimes inherited from non-UD data sources and it is not easy to change. The following principles are often followed and they can be taken as recommendation:

The rules for word boundaries in languages like Chinese and Japanese must be defined in the language-specific documentation.

To segment or not to segment?

Word segmentation with multi-word tokens should not be overused. It makes processing of the data more difficult, so you should think twice whether it is really justified and needed. Remember that UD annotates properties of (syntactic) words, not morphemes. Here are some guidelines:

A good example is the contraction of a preposition and an article, as observed e.g. in German or many Romance languages: [de] am = an + dem, zur = zu + der, [es] al = a + el. While they may have a specialized POS tag in the native POS tagsets, UPOS tags cannot account for each contraction type in each language, so we have to split such contractions to two words, tagged ADP and DET.

Looking again at the preposition-article contractions in German, we note that elsewhere prepositions and articles are spelled as independent words: an einem See “at a lake”, nach dem Konzert “after the concert” etc.

Languages differ in their spelling rules, so the same compound may be spelled as one word in German, and as four words in English: Lebensversicherungsgesellschaftsangestellter “life insurance company employee”. We do not split the German word into four just because it is spelled as four words in English. We also do not treat the English compound as one word with spaces; instead, we use the specialized dependency relation compound to signal that the sequence works morphosyntactically almost as one word and is different from ordinary nominal modifiers in English.

In Sanskrit, spaces are inserted at intonational pauses and do not necessarily line up with syntax. So in sakalaśāstrapāraṅgataścātra saṁsadi labdhakīrtiḥ, lit. entire-science-who.has.acquired-and-here at.the.court who.is.famous, “with a reputation for competence in numerous sciences”, the first token must be split at least to two parts (discontiguous subtrees) but in fact as many as five words can be identified there:

An often cited example of clitic segmentation in UD is Spanish, where pronominal clitics are sometimes written together with the verb whose arguments they are: vámonos = vamos + nos lit. we.go + ourselves “let’s leave”; dámelo = da + me + lo “give me it”. The crucial point is that the clitics are normally written as separate words and only if the verb is in imperative, infinitive or gerund form, the object clitics are written attached to it. So we have for instance nos vamos al mar “we are leaving for the sea”; me lo das mañana “you give me it tomorrow”. By splitting the object clitic from the imperative or infinitive, we are enabling the same annotation that is used for the indicative and other forms of the verb.

Note that we do not create syntactic words for subject pronouns, although in many Spanish sentences the subject can be recognized only from the form of the verb. For example, voy means “I go”, va “he/she goes”, vamos “we go”. However, these are not contracted forms of a subject pronoun and the verb stem. These are simply verb forms that show agreement with (or cross-reference) the subject. The agreement is captured using features such as Person and Number at the verb. The form of the verb will stay the same if an overt subject is present: yo voy “I go”, Miguel va “Miguel goes”.

Even if the agreement morpheme is clearly similar in form to the corresponding full pronoun, we do not have to (and shouldn’t) separate it if it always appears at the fixed position next to the verb, and if it stays there even if an overt subject is present.

Furthermore, verbs in some languages (such as Basque) cross-reference both the subject and the object. Since it is agreement morphology and not freely floating clitics, no segmentation is applied and multiple layers of morphological features are used instead.

Words with spaces

So far we have mostly dealt with situations where one orthographic word (surface token) acts as multiple syntactic words. There are also situations where multiple surface tokens act as one (morpho)syntactic word. The standard solution is that these tokens are kept as independent nodes in the dependency structure and they are connected using specialized relations (compound, flat, fixed, goeswith).

However, in exceptional cases it is possible to have “words with spaces”, i.e., there is one node with one corresponding line in the CoNLL-U format but it contains one or more word-internal space characters in the FORM (and possibly also LEMMA) field. The utilization of this option should be extremely limited, and alternative solutions should always be sought. One uncontroversial example where word-internal spaces make sense is long numbers in languages like French or Czech, where spaces are used to make the number more readable: 1 000 000.

Finally, Vietnamese is an example (and so far the only example) of a language where words with spaces are used frequently. The reason is that in the Vietnamese writing system, spaces delimit monosyllabic morphemes rather than words (with the exception of foreign loanwords, such as bêtông in the example below, which are sometimes written without separating syllables by spaces). The Vietnamese writing system is thus parallel to Chinese, the string between spaces corresponds to one Chinese character, and there are no visible word boundaries in the text.

# lang = vi
# text = Tất cả đường bêtông nội đồng là thành quả…
# text_en = All the concrete country roads are an achievement…
1     Tất cả      tất cả      PRON   _   _   2   det     _   Gloss=all
2     đường       đường       NOUN   _   _   6   nsubj   _   Gloss=road
3     bêtông      bêtông      NOUN   _   _   2   nmod    _   Gloss=concrete
4     nội đồng    nội đồng    NOUN   _   _   2   nmod    _   Gloss=country
5     là          là          AUX    _   _   6   cop     _   Gloss=be
6     thành quả   thành quả   NOUN   _   _   0   root    _   Gloss=achievement

Multiple spaces, tabulators, newlines

The CoNLL-U format can capture whether there was at least one whitespace character between two word forms but it cannot tell whether there were multiple spaces, or even other whitespace characters, such as tabulators or line breaks. If preserving the exact form of the input text is desired, these nuances can be captured using additional attributes in the MISC column, SpacesAfter and SpacesBefore. This format was proposed and discussed in Issue 332. It is also generated by some UD processing tools, most notably UDPipe.
