: whether the word is bad style
The feature indicates incorrect, but still common words and grammatical forms, as well as stylistically unrecommended variants. In Ukrainian, there are many words that became part of the lexicon under the influence of Russian, which has long been the dominant standard in many domains on most of the Ukrainian territory. Such words are considered stylistically bad, despite the fact that they can be found in normative Ukrainian dictionaries. This feature can be used for style checking tasks.
: bad style
- їх “their”, an indeclinable variant of the third-person plural possessive pronoun; the declinable variant їхній is considered preferable
- да “yes”, the standard variant is так
- існуючий, бажаючий, правлячий “existing, willing, ruling”, active present participles with the suffixes -уч-/-юч-, -ач-/-яч-
- доставка, зйомка “delivery, filming”, verbal nouns with the suffix -к(а)
- чоловік “people”, the form should not be used after numerals, eg. 5 чоловік sf. standard 5 осіб
BadStyle in other languages: [uk]