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parataxis:newsent: new sentence attached to a node in the previous sentence

This relation subtype is used when a direct speech consists of multiple sentences but it cannot be split because it is embedded in the reporting sentence.

У процесі переговорів із ними почула приблизно таке: «Ні, я не хочу зніматися у стрічці. Втомився» тощо. \n U procesi perehovoriv iz nymy počula pryblyzno take: «Ni, ja ne choču znimatyśа u stričci. Vtomyvśа» toščo. \n During the negotiations with them, I heard something like this: “No, I don't want to act in a film. Tired" and so on.
parataxis:newsent(зніматися, Втомився»)

parataxis:newsent in other languages: [uk]