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Treebank Statistics: UD_Turkish-Kenet: POS Tags: AUX

There are 2 AUX lemmas (0%), 43 AUX types (0%) and 888 AUX tokens (0%). Out of 15 observed tags, the rank of AUX is: 14 in number of lemmas, 11 in number of types and 12 in number of tokens.

The 10 most frequent AUX lemmas: mi, değil

The 10 most frequent AUX types: değil, mı, mi, değildir, mu, değildi, değilim, mü, değilse, misin

The 10 most frequent ambiguous lemmas: mi (AUX 485, NOUN 3, ADV 1)

The 10 most frequent ambiguous types: mi (AUX 142, NOUN 2), midir (AUX 10, ADV 1), müdür (NOUN 4, AUX 1)


The form / lemma ratio of AUX is 21.500000 (the average of all parts of speech is 2.284446).

The 1st highest number of forms (30) was observed with the lemma “mi”: mi, midir, misin, misiniz, miydi, miydik, miydim, miydiniz, miyim, miyiz, mu, mudur, musun, musunuz, muydu, muymuş, muyum, muyuz, mü, müdür, müyüm, mı, mıdır, mısın, mısınız, mıydı, mıydım, mıymış, mıyım, mıyız.

The 2nd highest number of forms (13) was observed with the lemma “değil”: değil, değildi, değildik, değildim, değildir, değilim, değiliz, değilken, değillerdi, değilmiş, değilse, değilsin, değilsiniz.

AUX occurs with 10 features: PronType (485; 55% instances), Number (319; 36% instances), Person (319; 36% instances), Case (164; 18% instances), Mood (155; 17% instances), Tense (155; 17% instances), VerbForm (155; 17% instances), Aspect (61; 7% instances), Number[psor] (20; 2% instances), Person[psor] (20; 2% instances)

AUX occurs with 16 feature-value pairs: Aspect=Perf, Case=Nom, Mood=Cnd, Mood=Gen, Mood=Ind, Number=Plur, Number=Sing, Number[psor]=Sing, Person=1, Person=2, Person=3, Person[psor]=1, PronType=Int, Tense=Past, Tense=Pres, VerbForm=Fin

AUX occurs with 12 feature combinations. The most frequent feature combination is PronType=Int (485 tokens). Examples: mı, mi, mu, mü, misin, musun, midir, mıdır, mıydı, miydi


AUX nodes are attached to their parents using 11 different relations: aux (866; 98% instances), discourse (5; 1% instances), parataxis (4; 0% instances), ccomp (3; 0% instances), fixed (3; 0% instances), obj (2; 0% instances), acl (1; 0% instances), advcl (1; 0% instances), appos (1; 0% instances), nmod (1; 0% instances), root (1; 0% instances)

Parents of AUX nodes belong to 11 different parts of speech: NOUN (309; 35% instances), VERB (309; 35% instances), ADJ (192; 22% instances), PRON (36; 4% instances), ADV (29; 3% instances), AUX (4; 0% instances), DET (3; 0% instances), PROPN (3; 0% instances), ADP (1; 0% instances), INTJ (1; 0% instances), (1; 0% instances)

873 (98%) AUX nodes are leaves.

10 (1%) AUX nodes have one child.

5 (1%) AUX nodes have two children.

The highest child degree of a AUX node is 2.

Children of AUX nodes are attached using 6 different relations: punct (8; 40% instances), compound (5; 25% instances), aux (4; 20% instances), advmod (1; 5% instances), case (1; 5% instances), obj (1; 5% instances)

Children of AUX nodes belong to 6 different parts of speech: PUNCT (8; 40% instances), AUX (4; 20% instances), ADV (3; 15% instances), NOUN (2; 10% instances), PRON (2; 10% instances), INTJ (1; 5% instances)