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Treebank Statistics: UD_Frisian_Dutch-Fame: POS Tags: PROPN

There are 1 PROPN lemmas (7%), 219 PROPN types (16%) and 305 PROPN tokens (8%). Out of 14 observed tags, the rank of PROPN is: 11 in number of lemmas, 3 in number of types and 7 in number of tokens.

The 10 most frequent PROPN lemmas: _

The 10 most frequent PROPN types: de, van, Fryslân, Ljouwert, fan, Vries, der, Fryske, Hendrik, N

The 10 most frequent ambiguous lemmas: _ (NOUN 482, ADV 455, ADP 441, PRON 441, VERB 399, DET 358, PROPN 305, ADJ 214, INTJ 189, AUX 163, CCONJ 159, SCONJ 61, NUM 60, X 2)

The 10 most frequent ambiguous types: de (DET 130, PROPN 11), van (PROPN 10, ADP 5), fan (ADP 75, PROPN 4), der (PRON 20, PROPN 4, ADV 3), Ljouwerter (ADJ 1, PROPN 1), P (NOUN 1, PROPN 1), we (PRON 22, PROPN 1)


The form / lemma ratio of PROPN is 219.000000 (the average of all parts of speech is 97.571429).

The 1st highest number of forms (219) was observed with the lemma “_”: A, Akademy, Akker, Ali, Amearika, Amelander, Andel, Anjum, Ann, Annie, Arabysk, Arbeid, Bakker, Balk, Barend, Beek, Beekbergen, Belvédère, Bert, Bhutto, Biesebeek, Boer, Brouwer, Brul, Burgum, Burgumerdaam, C, Chemie, China, D’en, Drinte, Dyk, Dykstra, Edel, Eindhoven, Ennik, Evert, Fabryk, Fedde, Fennema, Floor, Fons, Frans, Fries, Friesland, Frjentsjer, Frysk, Fryske, Fryslân, G, Gea, Genechten, Gerke, Grada, Greta, Griffioen, Grommen, Grou, Haan, Halbertsma, Handelblad, Hans, Haren, Harich, Harm, Harmonie, Haskerdiken, Heerenveen, Heerenveen-noord, Heeswijk, Heide, Heijstek, Hendrik, Henk, Hoedemaker, Hollands, Hoogeveen, Hooiring, I, Indië, Irene, Jaap, Jan, Jan-Evert, Jansen, Jelte, Jeltsje, Johan, Jong, Joop, K, KOVS, Kammen, Kampen, King, Klaas, Klootwijk, Ko, Koen, Koopmanshûs, Koperen, Kristlik, Kroon, Kuipers, Kwakman, Landman, Langehoekspôle, Limburg, Ljouwert, Ljouwerter, Lodewyk, Luts, Mannen, Margreeth, Marten, Martsje, Meeter, Midden-Paleolithicum, Muiden, Murphy, Mus, N, Nederland, Nederlandse, New, Nijlân, Noord, Nuver, Nyk, Oostvaardersplassen, Oprop, Orkest, P, Partij, Pim, Piter, Pluimveeonderzoek, Poel, Postma, Prada’s, Prins, Provinsjale, R, Raad, Raaij, Radio, Radjani, Reddingsbrigade, Regionale, Regnery, Reinald, Riek, Ryk, Sabine, Schurer, Seisbierrumers, Selskip, Shanghai, Sint, Sluis, Snits, Spelderholt, State, Staten, Steenbruggen, Straat, Suriname, Taktyk, Ter, Terpstra, Teun, Thomas, Tjitte, Tonkes, Tryater, Tsjerk, Tsjip, Tytsjerk, Tún, Utrecht, V, Veen, Veerhuis, Veldstra, Vermaning, Visser, Vlieger, Volksbeweging, Volkskrant, Vos, Vries, Wal, Wieren, Wilde, Wildstra, Willem, Wjelsryp, Workumerwaard, York, Zia-ul-Haq, Zoetemelk, Zondag, Zulfikar, april, dankbaarheid, de, der, fan, febrewaris, gruttenien, hús, iPod, maaie, nieuwe, novimber, van, vertrouwensarts, we, wildernis.

PROPN does not occur with any features.


PROPN nodes are attached to their parents using 17 different relations: flat:name (131; 43% instances), nmod (36; 12% instances), appos (34; 11% instances), nsubj (33; 11% instances), obl (28; 9% instances), root (18; 6% instances), conj (7; 2% instances), obj (4; 1% instances), vocative (3; 1% instances), dislocated (2; 1% instances), flat (2; 1% instances), parataxis (2; 1% instances), ccomp (1; 0% instances), iobj (1; 0% instances), nmod:poss (1; 0% instances), obl:tmod (1; 0% instances), xcomp (1; 0% instances)

Parents of PROPN nodes belong to 8 different parts of speech: PROPN (146; 48% instances), VERB (66; 22% instances), NOUN (65; 21% instances), (18; 6% instances), ADJ (4; 1% instances), ADV (2; 1% instances), DET (2; 1% instances), PRON (2; 1% instances)

151 (50%) PROPN nodes are leaves.

63 (21%) PROPN nodes have one child.

49 (16%) PROPN nodes have two children.

42 (14%) PROPN nodes have three or more children.

The highest child degree of a PROPN node is 8.

Children of PROPN nodes are attached using 22 different relations: flat:name (130; 40% instances), case (76; 23% instances), det (39; 12% instances), nmod (15; 5% instances), cc (11; 3% instances), amod (10; 3% instances), advmod (9; 3% instances), appos (6; 2% instances), conj (6; 2% instances), discourse (5; 2% instances), acl (3; 1% instances), mark (3; 1% instances), cop (2; 1% instances), orphan (2; 1% instances), parataxis (2; 1% instances), compound (1; 0% instances), expl (1; 0% instances), nmod:poss (1; 0% instances), nsubj (1; 0% instances), obl (1; 0% instances), reparandum (1; 0% instances), xcomp (1; 0% instances)

Children of PROPN nodes belong to 12 different parts of speech: PROPN (146; 45% instances), ADP (78; 24% instances), DET (41; 13% instances), ADV (13; 4% instances), CCONJ (11; 3% instances), NOUN (10; 3% instances), ADJ (7; 2% instances), PRON (6; 2% instances), INTJ (5; 2% instances), VERB (5; 2% instances), AUX (2; 1% instances), SCONJ (2; 1% instances)