Treebank Statistics: UD_Hindi-PUD: Features: Animacy
This feature is universal.
It occurs with 2 different values: Anim
, Inan
7085 tokens (30%) have a non-empty value of Animacy
3211 types (62%) occur at least once with a non-empty value of Animacy
1 lemmas (0) occur at least once with a non-empty value of Animacy
The feature is used with 4 part-of-speech tags: NOUN (5208; 22% instances), PROPN (1343; 6% instances), PRON (527; 2% instances), AUX (7; 0% instances).
5208 NOUN tokens (93% of all NOUN
tokens) have a non-empty value of Animacy
The most frequent other feature values with which NOUN
and Animacy
co-occurred: Number=Sing (4418; 85%), Gender=Masc (3145; 60%), Case=Acc (2756; 53%).
tokens may have the following values of Animacy
(643; 12% of non-emptyAnimacy
): लोगों, व्यक्ति, लोग, महिला, राष्ट्रपति, पुरुष, सम्राट, कलाकार, जनता, पत्नीInan
(4565; 88% of non-emptyAnimacy
): रूप, वर्ष, समय, क्षेत्र, साल, तरह, बार, युद्ध, उपयोग, दिनEMPTY
(389): शुरू, वहां, अभी, काम, पहले, बाद, अब, कब्जा, पैदा, नजर
1343 PROPN tokens (99% of all PROPN
tokens) have a non-empty value of Animacy
The most frequent other feature values with which PROPN
and Animacy
co-occurred: Number=Sing (1339; 100%), Gender=Masc (1149; 86%), Case=Acc (714; 53%).
tokens may have the following values of Animacy
(597; 44% of non-emptyAnimacy
): ट्रम्प, क्लिंटन, डि, डोनाल्ड, जोसफ, रोना, सीगल, एंटोनियो, किपलिंग, केशाInan
(746; 56% of non-emptyAnimacy
): अमेरिका, चीन, ब्रिटेन, फ्रांस, यूरोप, इटली, मिस्र, रूस, हांगकांग, अफ्रीकाEMPTY
(15): VW, 2C, Aoun, Emicro, ExxonMobil, GEMA, GOP, Hariri, Huawei, IRENA
527 PRON tokens (47% of all PRON
tokens) have a non-empty value of Animacy
The most frequent other feature values with which PRON
and Animacy
co-occurred: Gender[psor]=EMPTY (448; 85%), Number[psor]=EMPTY (437; 83%), PronType=EMPTY (433; 82%), Person=3 (410; 78%), Number=Sing (394; 75%), Case=Acc (276; 52%), Gender=EMPTY (270; 51%).
tokens may have the following values of Animacy
(452; 86% of non-emptyAnimacy
): वह, उसने, उसके, उसे, उसकी, उसका, मैं, वे, उन्हें, उन्होंनेInan
(75; 14% of non-emptyAnimacy
): इसका, उसे, उसके, वह, वे, उसका, उनकी, उसकी, इसके, इसनेEMPTY
(601): जो, यह, अपने, अपनी, इसके, जिसमें, इसे, इसमें, क्या, ऐसा
7 AUX tokens (0% of all AUX
tokens) have a non-empty value of Animacy
The most frequent other feature values with which AUX
and Animacy
co-occurred: Aspect=EMPTY (7; 100%), Mood=EMPTY (7; 100%), Person=EMPTY (7; 100%), Tense=EMPTY (7; 100%), Gender=Masc (6; 86%), Number=Sing (6; 86%).
tokens may have the following values of Animacy
(1; 14% of non-emptyAnimacy
): संबंधीInan
(6; 86% of non-emptyAnimacy
): घराने, जमाने, तोपखाने, पहुंच, मोराविया, रास्ताEMPTY
(1769): है, हैं, था, गया, गयी, हुए, दिया, थे, गए, थी
Relations with Agreement in Animacy
The 10 most frequent relations where parent and child node agree in Animacy
NOUN –[nmod:poss]–> NOUN (620; 80%),
NOUN –[compound]–> NOUN (328; 83%),
PROPN –[flat:name]–> PROPN (205; 100%),
NOUN –[conj]–> NOUN (204; 91%),
NOUN –[compound]–> PROPN (145; 86%),
NOUN –[nmod:poss]–> PROPN (119; 55%),
PROPN –[compound]–> NOUN (118; 98%),
PROPN –[conj]–> PROPN (70; 99%),
NOUN –[nmod]–> NOUN (62; 83%),
NOUN –[amod]–> NOUN (40; 75%).