Treebank Statistics: UD_Spanish-GSD: Features: NumType
This feature is universal.
It occurs with 2 different values: Card
, Ord
13041 tokens (3%) have a non-empty value of NumType
2530 types (6%) occur at least once with a non-empty value of NumType
2359 lemmas (7%) occur at least once with a non-empty value of NumType
The feature is used with 4 part-of-speech tags: NUM (11061; 3% instances), ADJ (1033; 0% instances), PRON (539; 0% instances), DET (408; 0% instances).
11061 NUM tokens (100% of all NUM
tokens) have a non-empty value of NumType
The most frequent other feature values with which NUM
and NumType
co-occurred: Number=EMPTY (9433; 85%), NumForm=Digit (8953; 81%).
tokens may have the following values of NumType
(11061; 100% of non-emptyNumType
): dos, tres, 2010, 0, cuatro, 3, 1, 2, 10, 4EMPTY
(1): 727-200
seems to be lexical feature of NUM
. 100% lemmas (2303) occur only with one value of NumType
1033 ADJ tokens (4% of all ADJ
tokens) have a non-empty value of NumType
The most frequent other feature values with which ADJ
and NumType
co-occurred: Number=Sing (886; 86%).
tokens may have the following values of NumType
(1033; 100% of non-emptyNumType
): primera, primer, segunda, segundo, tercera, primeros, primeras, tercer, cuarto, cuartaEMPTY
(23957): gran, mismo, mayor, nuevo, estadounidense, total, mejor, nacional, grandes, nueva
seems to be lexical feature of ADJ
. 100% lemmas (49) occur only with one value of NumType
539 PRON tokens (4% of all PRON
tokens) have a non-empty value of NumType
The most frequent other feature values with which PRON
and NumType
co-occurred: Case=EMPTY (539; 100%), Person=EMPTY (539; 100%), PrepCase=EMPTY (539; 100%), Reflex=EMPTY (539; 100%), Gender=EMPTY (358; 66%), Number=EMPTY (352; 65%), PronType=Ind (318; 59%).
tokens may have the following values of NumType
(539; 100% of non-emptyNumType
): tanto, poco, mucho, muchos, ambos, bastante, muchas, demasiado, ambas, pocosEMPTY
(13494): se, lo, que, le, la, me, uno, cual, los, nos
seems to be lexical feature of PRON
. 100% lemmas (12) occur only with one value of NumType
408 DET tokens (1% of all DET
tokens) have a non-empty value of NumType
The most frequent other feature values with which DET
and NumType
co-occurred: Definite=EMPTY (408; 100%), PronType=Ind (314; 77%), Number=Plur (294; 72%), Gender=Masc (209; 51%).
tokens may have the following values of NumType
(408; 100% of non-emptyNumType
): muchos, muchas, ambos, mucha, pocos, poco, ambas, mucho, poca, tantoEMPTY
(60479): el, la, los, un, las, una, su, sus, este, esta
seems to be lexical feature of DET
. 100% lemmas (13) occur only with one value of NumType
Relations with Agreement in NumType
The 10 most frequent relations where parent and child node agree in NumType
NUM –[conj]–> NUM (353; 100%),
NUM –[nummod]–> NUM (115; 100%),
NUM –[nmod]–> NUM (100; 100%),
NUM –[dep]–> NUM (49; 100%),
NUM –[appos]–> NUM (16; 100%),
ADJ –[conj]–> ADJ (7; 64%),
NUM –[compound]–> NUM (1; 100%).