Treebank Statistics: UD_German-GSD: Features: PronType
This feature is universal but the values Emp
are language-specific.
It occurs with 10 different values: Art
, Dem
, Emp
, Ind
, Int
, Neg
, Prs
, Rcp
, Rel
, Tot
Some words have combined values of the feature; 2 combinations have been observed: Dem|Rel
, Int|Rel
53211 tokens (18%) have a non-empty value of PronType
375 types (1%) occur at least once with a non-empty value of PronType
115 lemmas (0%) occur at least once with a non-empty value of PronType
The feature is used with 3 part-of-speech tags: DET (41203; 14% instances), PRON (10839; 4% instances), ADV (1169; 0% instances).
41203 DET tokens (100% of all DET
tokens) have a non-empty value of PronType
The most frequent other feature values with which DET
and PronType
co-occurred: NumType=EMPTY (35553; 86%), Number=Sing (34018; 83%), Definite=Def (29413; 71%).
tokens may have the following values of PronType
(34885; 85% of non-emptyPronType
): der, die, dem, den, das, des, eine, ein, einer, einenDem
(1406; 3% of non-emptyPronType
): diese, dieser, diesem, dieses, dies, diesen, solche, jener, solchen, derselbenEmp
(40; 0% of non-emptyPronType
): selben, selberInd
(1234; 3% of non-emptyPronType
): anderen, viele, andere, einige, viel, mehrere, anderem, vielen, meisten, mehrInt
(1; 0% of non-emptyPronType
): wievieleInt,Rel
(119; 0% of non-emptyPronType
): welche, welches, welcher, welchem, welchen, welchNeg
(301; 1% of non-emptyPronType
): keine, kein, keinen, keinem, keiner, keinerlei, keines, keinster, NoPrs
(2406; 6% of non-emptyPronType
): seine, seiner, sein, ihre, seinen, seinem, ihren, ihrer, ihr, ihremTot
(811; 2% of non-emptyPronType
): alle, beiden, allem, alles, allen, aller, beide, jede, jeden, jederEMPTY
(3): a, alla, dessa
seems to be lexical feature of DET
. 100% lemmas (45) occur only with one value of PronType
10839 PRON tokens (100% of all PRON
tokens) have a non-empty value of PronType
The most frequent other feature values with which PRON
and PronType
co-occurred: Reflex=EMPTY (9143; 84%), Number=Sing (7521; 69%), Case=Nom (7168; 66%), Person=3 (6346; 59%).
tokens may have the following values of PronType
(2356; 22% of non-emptyPronType
): die, der, das, dem, deren, dessen, denen, den, dererInd
(465; 4% of non-emptyPronType
): man, etwas, jemand, sowas, irgendetwas, irgendwas, irgendwem, jemandenInt,Rel
(256; 2% of non-emptyPronType
): was, wer, Wen, wemNeg
(72; 1% of non-emptyPronType
): nichts, niemand, nix, niemanden, niemandesPrs
(7689; 71% of non-emptyPronType
): er, sich, sie, es, ich, wir, ihm, ihn, uns, mirRcp
(1; 0% of non-emptyPronType
): einanderEMPTY
(6): Ich, All, Mit, meiner
seems to be lexical feature of PRON
. 100% lemmas (28) occur only with one value of PronType
1169 ADV tokens (8% of all ADV
tokens) have a non-empty value of PronType
tokens may have the following values of PronType
(741; 63% of non-emptyPronType
): damit, dazu, davon, darauf, daher, dafür, dadurch, darüber, darin, dagegenInd
(99; 8% of non-emptyPronType
): etwas, mehr, genug, viel, wenig, bisschen, anderem, bischen, bißchen, solchInt
(326; 28% of non-emptyPronType
): wo, wobei, wie, warum, wodurch, wovon, weshalb, woraufhin, wonach, wozuNeg
(3; 0% of non-emptyPronType
): keineswegsEMPTY
(13810): auch, nur, noch, sehr, so, dort, wieder, hier, heute, jedoch
seems to be lexical feature of ADV
. 100% lemmas (52) occur only with one value of PronType
Relations with Agreement in PronType
The 10 most frequent relations where parent and child node agree in PronType
DET –[flat]–> DET (4; 100%),
PRON –[conj]–> PRON (2; 100%),
PRON –[det:poss]–> DET (1; 100%),
PRON –[reparandum]–> PRON (1; 100%).