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Treebank Statistics: UD_Abkhaz-AbNC: Features: Number

This feature is universal but the values Card are language-specific. It occurs with 3 different values: Card, Plur, Sing.

This is a layered feature with the following layers: Number, Number[cs], Number[io], Number[lo], Number[obj], Number[po], Number[psor], Number[refl], Number[ro], Number[subj].

672 tokens (27%) have a non-empty value of Number. 393 types (37%) occur at least once with a non-empty value of Number. 229 lemmas (37%) occur at least once with a non-empty value of Number. The feature is used with 4 part-of-speech tags: NOUN (467; 19% instances), PRON (115; 5% instances), VERB (70; 3% instances), ADJ (20; 1% instances).


467 NOUN tokens (100% of all NOUN tokens) have a non-empty value of Number.

The most frequent other feature values with which NOUN and Number co-occurred: Animacy=Nhum (404; 87%), Number[psor]=EMPTY (386; 83%), Person[psor]=EMPTY (384; 82%), Definite=Def (293; 63%).

NOUN tokens may have the following values of Number:

Paradigm а-гыгшәы́гSingPlurCard

Number seems to be lexical feature of NOUN. 92% lemmas (147) occur only with one value of Number.


115 PRON tokens (79% of all PRON tokens) have a non-empty value of Number.

The most frequent other feature values with which PRON and Number co-occurred: Gender=EMPTY (90; 78%), PronType=Prs (74; 64%).

PRON tokens may have the following values of Number:

Number seems to be lexical feature of PRON. 100% lemmas (16) occur only with one value of Number.


70 VERB tokens (10% of all VERB tokens) have a non-empty value of Number.

The most frequent other feature values with which VERB and Number co-occurred: Gender[lo]=EMPTY (70; 100%), Number[lo]=EMPTY (70; 100%), Person[obj]=EMPTY (70; 100%), Person[lo]=EMPTY (69; 99%), Mood=EMPTY (67; 96%), Gender[subj]=EMPTY (65; 93%), Polarity=EMPTY (64; 91%), Number[subj]=EMPTY (57; 81%), Dyn=EMPTY (40; 57%), Trans=EMPTY (40; 57%).

VERB tokens may have the following values of Number:

Number seems to be lexical feature of VERB. 100% lemmas (50) occur only with one value of Number.


20 ADJ tokens (83% of all ADJ tokens) have a non-empty value of Number.

The most frequent other feature values with which ADJ and Number co-occurred: Definite=EMPTY (18; 90%).

ADJ tokens may have the following values of Number:

Paradigm а-ду́SingPlur
ду, дукдуқәак

Number seems to be lexical feature of ADJ. 94% lemmas (15) occur only with one value of Number.

Relations with Agreement in Number

The 10 most frequent relations where parent and child node agree in Number: NOUN –[conj]–> NOUN (27; 100%), NOUN –[nmod:poss]–> NOUN (16; 70%), NOUN –[amod]–> ADJ (11; 65%), NOUN –[compound]–> NOUN (5; 100%), NOUN –[nsubj]–> PRON (5; 100%), NOUN –[conj]–> PRON (2; 100%), PRON –[appos]–> NOUN (2; 100%), NOUN –[appos]–> NOUN (1; 100%), NOUN –[nmod]–> NOUN (1; 100%), NOUN –[obl]–> NOUN (1; 100%).