: agglutination
Values: | Agl | Nagl |
Boolean feature of certain Polish past participles. The “mobile inflection” clitic (see also the feature Clitic) normally attaches to the participle, although occasionally it can attach to other words. Furthermore, the clitic is used only with first and second person subjects, while the third person is recognized by the absence of the clitic.
In rare cases, the participle has different forms depending on whether there is or is not
a “mobile inflection” clitic attached to it. These verbs receive the Agglutination
feature to distinguish the two forms.
Clitic auxiliaries are shortened present forms of the auxiliary verb być “to be”: -m, -em “I am”, -ś, -eś “you are (Sing)”, -śmy “we are”, -ście “you are (Plur)”. Note that the conditional morpheme by does not affect the feature although it is linguistically a clitic, too.
This feature is currently used in the LFG treebank but not in PDB and PUD.
: participle form with a clitic
- Nie mogłem tego słuchać. “I couldn’t listen to it.”
: participle form without a clitic
- Fortecki mógłby udźwignąć każdy ciężar. “Fortecki could bear any weight.”
- Któż z marynarzy w dawnych czasach mógł sobie na to pozwolić. “Which seaman could afford it in the old days?”
Agglutination in other languages: [pl]