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This page pertains to UD version 2.

NumValue: numeric value

Values: 1 2

This feature is introduced to treat some elements which, though implying a specific cardinality, do not seem to belong to the class of numerals, as they rather have other deictic or pronominal characteristics as their main meaning, and so are better identified as part of the more general class of determiners. This fact might be reflected also from morphological properties. Only the lowest values 1 and 2 are involved, whose linguistic exceptionality with respect to other numbers can be observed also from other phenomena, e.g.the unique ordinal adjectives primus ‘first’ and secundus ‘second’, tied to unus ‘one’ and duo ‘two’, versus tertius ‘third’, quartus ‘fourth’, quintus ‘fifth’… tied to tres ‘three’, quattuor ‘four’, quinque ‘five’…

1: numeric value 1

The term for ‘one’ is ambivalent, as traditionally it is interpreted as either referring to the exact quantity ‘1’, or as having an indefinite value. Since the latter is still always referred to a single entity, it is debatable how much the two meanings are distinct, or if one prevails, so that probably a more generic treatment as DET involving both NumType=Card and PronType=Ind, alongside NumValue, can act as a good representation of this fact; cf. (Grotto et al., 2021) for difficulties of annotation.


2: numeric value 2



NumValue in other languages: [ar] [la]