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advmod:tmod: temporal adverbial modifier

This semantical subrelation is used to single out those adverbial modifiers that express a temporal reference, usually by means of a particular subclass of words which are marked with AdvType=Tim and conventionally annotated as ADVs.

The kinds of temporal relations expressed (duration, definiteness, and so on) are often readable from the morphological history of the adverbial element (e.g. hodie ‘today’ is a contraction of the ablative phrase hoc die ‘on this day’), but do not appear to be fully standardised (i.e. there is a variety of synchronically non-predictable forms, like semper ‘always’).

The tmod subrelation is also used for oblique arguments, which usually consist of nominal phrases: since, in Latin, this appears to be a purely formal distinction with regard to adverbial temporal (but also locative) expressions (often derived from nominal forms), the use of tmod aims to capture the fundamental unitarity of such constructions.

‘His judgements abhor all severity, for he punishes ever on this side the mean, while in rewarding he aims ever beyond the mean.’ (Letters, UDante)

advmod:tmod in other languages: [apu] [it] [koi] [kpv] [la] [mdf] [myv] [ro] [sms]