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cc:preconj: preconjunct

The preconjunct (cc:preconj) dependency relation marks the first part of those two-part coordinating conjunctions where the two parts are separated by coordinated elements.

See also CCONJ.

Ни горзӧмъяс, ни лыйсьӧмъяс. \n neither shouting nor shooting
cc:preconj(горзӧмъяс-2, Ни-1)
cc(лыйсьӧмъяс-5, ни-4)
conj(горзӧмъяс-2, лыйсьӧмъяс-5)

Such two-part coordinating conjunctions are:

cc:preconj in other languages: [en] [fi] [id] [kpv] [sl] [u]