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This page pertains to UD version 2.

case:adv: case marking to form adverbs

This deprel is a special class of case. While deprel ‘case’ is usually used for ADP as a nominal dependent, for this subtype, ADP can be a dependent of ADJ/VERB and together with its parent, they form adverbs.

In Indonesian grammar, we can use syntax ADP + ADJ/VERB/NOUN to form adverbs. For example:

  1. secara/dengan + ADJ: dengan sengaja “purposely/intentionally” = dengan “in a manner of” (ADP) + sengaja “on purpose” (ADJ)
  2. secara/dengan + VERB: secara terbuka “openly” = secara “in a manner of” (ADP) + terbuka “open” (VERB)
  3. secara/dengan + NOUN: secara keseluruhan “overall” = secara “in a manner of” (ADP) + keseluruhan “whole” (NOUN)

Since we can not use deprel ‘case’ for syntax 1 and 2 for ADP + ADJ/VERB, we propose the use of subtype ‘case:adv’.

case:adv in other languages: [id] [jv]