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This page pertains to UD version 2.

UD for Manx

Tokenization and Word Segmentation

Generally speaking, tokens in Manx are delimited by whitespace characters and punctuation, with the following exceptions:




The initial version of the Cadhan Aonair Manx treebank does not specify any morphological features, although we hope to add these to a future version.


The basic word order of Manx is VSO, like the other Celtic languages:

The copula she is annotated as follows:

Verbal nouns play an important role in Manx grammar, and they are annotated following the guidelines for Irish and Scottish Gaelic. As noted above, they are always given the POS tag NOUN and very often labeled as xcomp of some higher verb:

Note that the object follows the verbal noun in the case above; in other constructions it precedes the verbal noun:

The substantive verb bee “to be” (Irish , Scottish Gaelic bi) can have predicate complements in the form of adverbial, adjectival, or prepositional phrases; these are distinct from copular constructions in Manx. Following the Irish model, we label these complements with the extended tag xcomp:pred:

The Manx treebank uses 31 of the 37 dependency relations in v2 of the UD guidelines (all but expl, dislocated, aux, clf, list, and goeswith). In addition, there are six subtype relations represented as well; all but flat:foreign are used in the Irish treebank.


There is one Manx UD treebank:
