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InfForm: form of infinitive

(Please note: the labels on this page, including the feature name InfForm, are subject to change.)

Finnish has multiple infinitive forms, often termed the first infinitive, second infinitive, etc. Traditionally five different infinitives have been recognized, but UD Finnish follows the modern ISK grammar in only recognizing three verb forms as infinitives, namely those known as the first, second and third infinitives (alternatively termed the A-, E- and MA-infinitives, see e.g. VISK § 119; in Finnish).

1: first infinitive

The first infinitive is also known as the A-infinitive. It corresponds roughly to the English infinitive introduced by to.

The base form of the first infinitive is used as the dictionary form for verbs.



2: second infinitive

The second infinitive is also known as the E-infinitive.



3: third infinitive

The third infinitive is also known as the MA-infinitive.



InfForm in other languages: [fi] [mr]