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This page pertains to UD version 2.

compound:nn: noun compound modifier

The dependency type compound:nn, which stands for noun compound modifier has two basic uses in the Finnish UD scheme.

First, In Finnish, compounds are generally written as a single word, but for instance some compounds involving foreign words or proper names are written separately using a dash. These are annotated using compound:nn.

The second use of the type compound:nn is to mark appellation modifiers, which are modifying, non-inflecting noun phrases that generally express profession, rank, position, assignment or other such classifiable property (see ISK §1062). The phenomenon is closely related to that of apposition, and the distinction between the two is described in Appositions and appellation modifiers.

In written Finnish, erroneously writing compounds as two words is a common mistake (e.g. ruoka pöytä). While these cases were annotated as nn in the TDT corpus, in UD Finnish goeswith is used instead.

compound:nn in other languages: [fi] [kpv] [mdf] [myv] [olo] [sme]