: Coreferentiality
Values: | Yes |
indicates that two or more expressions refer to the same person or thing and have the same referent. In Tekó, it is marked with the prefix o-
, which is used only if the subject is in 3rd person. In the sentence, the prefix o-
can occur as a possessive person index on a noun and as an object of postposition.
: Yes
- opaʔawo iawu “He talks like his own brother.”
- ka omõwaɲ zawar oehe “The dog scatters the wasps on itself.”
Prague Dependency Treebank
The PDT tagset does not distinguish Ptan
from Plur
and Coll
from Sing
therefore this distinction is not being made in the converted data.
Corf in other languages: [arr] [eme] [gn] [tpn]