Invited speakers
Mirella Lapata (School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh)
William Croft (Department of Linguistics, University of New Mexico)
Call for papers
The first workshop on Universal Dependencies invites papers on all topics relevant to UD, including but not limited to:
- theoretical foundations and universal guidelines
- linguistic analysis of specific languages and/or constructions
- language typology and linguistic universals
- treebank annotation, conversion and validation
- word segmentation, morphological tagging and syntactic parsing
- downstream applications in natural language processing
Priority will be given to papers that adopt a cross-lingual perspective.
We invite two types of papers: regular workshop papers and cross-submissions. Papers will be presented as oral presentations or posters, but only regular workshop papers will be included in the proceedings published in the ACL Anthology, where no distinction will be made on the basis of mode of presentation.
The regular workshop papers can be long papers (maximum length of eight (8) pages of content) as well as short papers (maximum length of four (4) pages of content), and should report substantially original research. Reviews will be double-blind.
In addition to unpublished work, in the spirit of promoting discussion in the UD community, we also solicit papers on related topics that have already appeared elsewhere. The selection of these papers will solely be determined by the organizing committee.