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expl: expletive

This relation captures expletive or pleonastic nominals. These are nominals that appear in an argument position of a predicate but which do not themselves satisfy any of the semantic roles of the predicate. In Russian, the demonstrative particle eto can be used as an “extra” subject in the sentence, in this case the remaining part of the sentence can be considered as the group of predicate. Cf. English construction with there-expletive.

Это мама звонит . \n This-is my-mother calls .
expl(звонит, Это)
expl(calls, This-is)
nsubj(звонит, мама)
nsubj(calls, my-mother)

The particle eto is also labeled expl when it is ised in the nominal sentence with zero copula.

Счастье - это путешествие , а не цель . \t Happiness is-a journey , not a destination .
expl(путешествие, это)
expl(journey, is-a)
nsubj(путешествие, Счастье)
nsubj(journey, Happiness)

expl in other languages: [bg] [de] [el] [en] [fr] [fro] [gsw] [it] [no] [pt] [qpm] [ro] [ru] [sl] [sv] [u] [yue]