Treebank Statistics: UD_Naija-NSC: Relations: goeswith
This relation is universal.
1 nodes (0%) are attached to their parents as goeswith
1 instances of goeswith
(100%) are left-to-right (parent precedes child).
Average distance between parent and child is 1.
The following 1 pairs of parts of speech are connected with goeswith
: NOUN-NOUN (1; 100% instances).
# visual-style 19 bgColor:blue
# visual-style 19 fgColor:white
# visual-style 18 bgColor:blue
# visual-style 18 fgColor:white
# visual-style 18 19 goeswith color:blue
1 # # PUNCT _ _ 25 punct _ AlignBegin=236258|AlignEnd=236719|Gloss=PUNCT
2 and and CCONJ _ _ 25 cc _ AlignBegin=236719|AlignEnd=236859|Gloss=and
3 again again ADV _ _ 25 advmod:periph _ AlignBegin=236859|AlignEnd=237169|Gloss=again
4 < < PUNCT _ _ 3 punct _ AlignBegin=237169|AlignEnd=237199|Gloss=PUNCT
5 if if SCONJ _ _ 9 mark _ AlignBegin=237199|AlignEnd=237399|Gloss=if
6 your your PRON _ Number=Plur|Person=2|Poss=Yes 7 nmod:poss _ AlignBegin=237399|AlignEnd=237614|Gloss=PL.2.POSS
7 tyre tyre NOUN _ _ 9 nsubj _ AlignBegin=237614|AlignEnd=237909|Gloss=tyre
8 don don AUX _ Aspect=Perf 9 aux _ AlignBegin=237909|AlignEnd=238260|Gloss=PRF
9 less less ADJ _ Degree=Cmp 25 advcl:periph _ AlignBegin=238260|AlignEnd=238859|Gloss=little.CMPR
10 # # PUNCT _ _ 13 punct _ AlignBegin=238889|AlignEnd=239440|Gloss=PUNCT
11 ( ( PUNCT _ _ 13 punct _ AlignBegin=239410|AlignEnd=239440|Gloss=PUNCT
12 na na AUX _ PartType=Cop 13 cop _ AlignBegin=239440|AlignEnd=239530|Gloss=be
13 one one NOUN _ _ 9 parataxis:parenth _ AlignBegin=239530|AlignEnd=239688|Gloss=one
14 wey wey SCONJ _ _ 17 mark _ AlignBegin=239688|AlignEnd=239820|Gloss=REL
15 we we PRON _ Case=Nom|Number=Plur|Person=1|PronType=Prs 17 nsubj _ AlignBegin=239820|AlignEnd=239880|Gloss=NOM.PL.1
16 dey dey AUX _ Aspect=Imp 17 aux _ AlignBegin=239880|AlignEnd=239980|Gloss=IPFV
17 call call VERB _ _ 13 acl:relcl _ AlignBegin=239980|AlignEnd=240192|Gloss=call
18 underinflation underinflation NOUN _ _ 17 xcomp _ AlignBegin=240192|AlignEnd=240500|Gloss=underinflation
19 inflation inflation NOUN _ _ 18 goeswith _ AlignBegin=240500|AlignEnd=241050|Gloss=inflation
20 //) //) PUNCT _ _ 13 punct _ AlignBegin=241050|AlignEnd=241080|Gloss=PUNCT
21 < < PUNCT _ _ 9 punct _ AlignBegin=241050|AlignEnd=241080|Gloss=PUNCT
22 underinflation underinflation NOUN _ _ 25 nsubj _ AlignBegin=241080|AlignEnd=241370|Gloss=underinflation
23 too too ADV _ _ 25 advmod _ AlignBegin=241780|AlignEnd=241905|Gloss=too
24 dey dey AUX _ Aspect=Imp 25 aux _ AlignBegin=241905|AlignEnd=242000|Gloss=IPFV
25 affect affect VERB _ _ 0 root _ AlignBegin=242000|AlignEnd=242360|Gloss=affect
26 tyre tyre NOUN _ _ 25 obj _ AlignBegin=242360|AlignEnd=242649|Gloss=tyre
27 // // PUNCT _ _ 25 punct _ AlignBegin=242649|AlignEnd=242679|Gloss=PUNCT