Treebank Statistics: UD_Indonesian-PUD: Features: Person
This feature is universal.
It occurs with 3 different values: 1
, 2
, 3
620 tokens (3%) have a non-empty value of Person
18 types (0%) occur at least once with a non-empty value of Person
12 lemmas (0%) occur at least once with a non-empty value of Person
The feature is used with 1 part-of-speech tags: PRON (620; 3% instances).
620 PRON tokens (47% of all PRON
tokens) have a non-empty value of Person
The most frequent other feature values with which PRON
and Person
co-occurred: PronType=Prs (620; 100%), Number=Sing (481; 78%).
tokens may have the following values of Person
(103; 17% of non-emptyPerson
): saya, kami, kita, Aku, ku2
(16; 3% of non-emptyPerson
): Anda, kalian, kamu3
(501; 81% of non-emptyPerson
): nya, ia, mereka, diaEMPTY
(709): yang, itu, ini, mana, apa, diri, sana, siapa, seseorang, begitu
seems to be lexical feature of PRON
. 100% lemmas (12) occur only with one value of Person