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This page pertains to UD version 2.

Treebank Statistics: UD_Hausa-NorthernAutogramm: Relations: compound

This relation is universal.

34 nodes (1%) are attached to their parents as compound.

34 instances of compound (100%) are left-to-right (parent precedes child). Average distance between parent and child is 1.

The following 1 pairs of parts of speech are connected with compound: NOUN-NOUN (34; 100% instances).

# visual-style 11	bgColor:blue
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# visual-style 10	bgColor:blue
# visual-style 10	fgColor:white
# visual-style 10 11 compound	color:blue
1	àkwai	àkwai	PART	_	_	5	dislocated	_	AlignBegin=358282|AlignEnd=358526|Gloss=there_is
2	wata	wani	DET	_	Gender=Fem|PronType=Ind	3	det	_	AlignBegin=358526|AlignEnd=358770|Gloss=some.Fem
3	zakkùwaː	zak-	VERB	_	ExtPos=NOUN|Gender=Fem|VerbForm=Vnoun	1	nsubj	_	AlignBegin=358770|AlignEnd=359014|Gloss=arrive.Vnoun.Fem
4	naː	_	AUX	yaː	Aspect=Perf|Number=Sing|Person=1	5	aux	_	AlignBegin=359014|AlignEnd=359258|Gloss=1Sing.Perf
5	kaːwoː	kai	VERB	_	_	0	root	_	AlignBegin=359258|AlignEnd=359502|Gloss=carry
6	duːc'ìː	duːc'ìː	NOUN	_	Gender=Masc	5	obj	_	AlignBegin=359502|AlignEnd=359746|Gloss=stone.Masc
7	|a	|a	PUNCT	_	_	8	punct	_	AlignBegin=359746|AlignEnd=359990|Gloss=PUNCT
8	wànga	wànga	PRON	_	Deixis=Prox|Gender=Masc|PronType=Dem	6	appos	_	AlignBegin=359990|AlignEnd=360234|Gloss=Prox.Masc
9	na	na	PART	_	Definite=Cons	10	case	_	AlignBegin=360234|AlignEnd=360478|Gloss=Cons
10	ƴan	ɗaː	NOUN	_	Definite=Cons|Number=Plur	8	nmod	_	AlignBegin=360478|AlignEnd=360722|Gloss=child.Plur.Cons
11	maːtaː	maːtaː	NOUN	_	Number=Plur	10	compound	_	AlignBegin=360722|AlignEnd=360966|Gloss=women
12	//	//	PUNCT	_	_	5	punct	_	AlignBegin=360966|AlignEnd=361210|Gloss=PUNCT