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This page pertains to UD version 2.

Treebank Statistics: UD_Galician-CTG: Relations: list

This relation is universal.

4 nodes (0%) are attached to their parents as list.

4 instances of list (100%) are left-to-right (parent precedes child). Average distance between parent and child is 5.

The following 3 pairs of parts of speech are connected with list: PROPN-NUM (2; 50% instances), NOUN-NUM (1; 25% instances), PROPN-NOUN (1; 25% instances).

# visual-style 28	bgColor:blue
# visual-style 28	fgColor:white
# visual-style 23	bgColor:blue
# visual-style 23	fgColor:white
# visual-style 23 28 list	color:blue
1	Con	con	ADP	SPS00	_	8	case	_	Treeler:cc
2	todo	todo	DET	DI0MS0	_	6	det	_	SpaceAfter=No|Treeler:spec
3	,	,	PUNCT	Fc	_	4	punct	_	Treeler:f
4	tal	tal	DET	DI0CS0	_	2	det	_	Treeler:d
5	e	e	CCONJ	CC	_	2	cc	_	ToDo=cc-without-conj|Treeler:coord
6	como	como	PRON	PR0CN000	_	8	nsubj	_	Treeler:suj
7	se	se	PRON	PP3CN000	_	8	obj	_	Treeler:cd
8	pon	poñer	VERB	VMIP3S0	_	36	obl	_	Treeler:sn
9	de	de	ADP	SPS00	_	10	case	_	Treeler:cc
10	manifesto	manifesto	NOUN	NCMS000	_	8	obl	_	Treeler:sn
11	en	en	ADP	SPS00	_	12	case	_	Treeler:cc
12	traballos	traballo	NOUN	NCMP000	_	8	obl	_	Treeler:sn
13	máis	máis	ADV	RG	_	14	advmod	_	Treeler:spec
14	recentes	recente	ADJ	AQ0CP0	_	12	amod	_	Treeler:s.a
15	(	(	PUNCT	Fpa	_	16	punct	_	SpaceAfter=No|Treeler:f
16	Astrachan	astrachan	NOUN	NCMS000	_	12	parataxis	_	Treeler:sn
17	et	et	CCONJ	CC	_	18	cc	_	Treeler:sn
18	al	al	ADJ	AQ0CS0	_	16	conj	_	SpaceAfter=No|Treeler:s.a
19	.	.	PUNCT	Fp	_	18	punct	_	SpaceAfter=No|Treeler:f
20	,	,	PUNCT	Fc	_	21	punct	_	Treeler:f
21	2002	2002	NUM	Z	_	16	list	_	SpaceAfter=No|Treeler:spec
22	;	;	PUNCT	Fx	_	23	punct	_	Treeler:f
23	Christman	christman	PROPN	NP00000	_	16	conj	_	Treeler:spec
24	et	et	CCONJ	CC	_	25	cc	_	Treeler:suj
25	al	al	ADJ	AQ0CS0	_	23	conj	_	SpaceAfter=No|Treeler:s.a
26	.	.	PUNCT	Fp	_	25	punct	_	SpaceAfter=No|Treeler:f
27	,	,	PUNCT	Fc	_	28	punct	_	Treeler:f
28	2003	2003	NUM	Z	_	23	list	_	SpaceAfter=No|Treeler:s.a
29	)	)	PUNCT	Fpt	_	16	punct	_	SpaceAfter=No|Treeler:f
30	,	,	PUNCT	Fc	_	16	punct	_	Treeler:f
31	este	este	DET	DD0MS0	_	33	det	_	Treeler:spec
32	amplo	amplo	ADJ	AQ0MS0	_	33	amod	_	Treeler:s.a
33	volume	volume	NOUN	NCMS000	_	36	nsubj	_	Treeler:suj
34	de	de	ADP	SPS00	_	35	case	_	Treeler:sp
35	literatura	literatura	NOUN	NCFS000	_	33	nmod	_	Treeler:sn
36	ten	ter	VERB	VMIP3S0	_	0	root	_	Treeler:sentence
37	dúas	dous	NOUN	NCFP000	_	36	obj	_	Treeler:cd
38	materias	materia	NOUN	NCFP000	_	36	obj	_	Treeler:cd
39	pendentes	pendente	ADJ	AQ0CP0	_	38	amod	_	SpaceAfter=No|Treeler:s.a
40	.	.	PUNCT	Fp	_	36	punct	_	Treeler:f

# visual-style 21	bgColor:blue
# visual-style 21	fgColor:white
# visual-style 16	bgColor:blue
# visual-style 16	fgColor:white
# visual-style 16 21 list	color:blue
1	Con	con	ADP	SPS00	_	8	case	_	Treeler:cc
2	todo	todo	DET	DI0MS0	_	6	det	_	SpaceAfter=No|Treeler:spec
3	,	,	PUNCT	Fc	_	4	punct	_	Treeler:f
4	tal	tal	DET	DI0CS0	_	2	det	_	Treeler:d
5	e	e	CCONJ	CC	_	2	cc	_	ToDo=cc-without-conj|Treeler:coord
6	como	como	PRON	PR0CN000	_	8	nsubj	_	Treeler:suj
7	se	se	PRON	PP3CN000	_	8	obj	_	Treeler:cd
8	pon	poñer	VERB	VMIP3S0	_	36	obl	_	Treeler:sn
9	de	de	ADP	SPS00	_	10	case	_	Treeler:cc
10	manifesto	manifesto	NOUN	NCMS000	_	8	obl	_	Treeler:sn
11	en	en	ADP	SPS00	_	12	case	_	Treeler:cc
12	traballos	traballo	NOUN	NCMP000	_	8	obl	_	Treeler:sn
13	máis	máis	ADV	RG	_	14	advmod	_	Treeler:spec
14	recentes	recente	ADJ	AQ0CP0	_	12	amod	_	Treeler:s.a
15	(	(	PUNCT	Fpa	_	16	punct	_	SpaceAfter=No|Treeler:f
16	Astrachan	astrachan	NOUN	NCMS000	_	12	parataxis	_	Treeler:sn
17	et	et	CCONJ	CC	_	18	cc	_	Treeler:sn
18	al	al	ADJ	AQ0CS0	_	16	conj	_	SpaceAfter=No|Treeler:s.a
19	.	.	PUNCT	Fp	_	18	punct	_	SpaceAfter=No|Treeler:f
20	,	,	PUNCT	Fc	_	21	punct	_	Treeler:f
21	2002	2002	NUM	Z	_	16	list	_	SpaceAfter=No|Treeler:spec
22	;	;	PUNCT	Fx	_	23	punct	_	Treeler:f
23	Christman	christman	PROPN	NP00000	_	16	conj	_	Treeler:spec
24	et	et	CCONJ	CC	_	25	cc	_	Treeler:suj
25	al	al	ADJ	AQ0CS0	_	23	conj	_	SpaceAfter=No|Treeler:s.a
26	.	.	PUNCT	Fp	_	25	punct	_	SpaceAfter=No|Treeler:f
27	,	,	PUNCT	Fc	_	28	punct	_	Treeler:f
28	2003	2003	NUM	Z	_	23	list	_	SpaceAfter=No|Treeler:s.a
29	)	)	PUNCT	Fpt	_	16	punct	_	SpaceAfter=No|Treeler:f
30	,	,	PUNCT	Fc	_	16	punct	_	Treeler:f
31	este	este	DET	DD0MS0	_	33	det	_	Treeler:spec
32	amplo	amplo	ADJ	AQ0MS0	_	33	amod	_	Treeler:s.a
33	volume	volume	NOUN	NCMS000	_	36	nsubj	_	Treeler:suj
34	de	de	ADP	SPS00	_	35	case	_	Treeler:sp
35	literatura	literatura	NOUN	NCFS000	_	33	nmod	_	Treeler:sn
36	ten	ter	VERB	VMIP3S0	_	0	root	_	Treeler:sentence
37	dúas	dous	NOUN	NCFP000	_	36	obj	_	Treeler:cd
38	materias	materia	NOUN	NCFP000	_	36	obj	_	Treeler:cd
39	pendentes	pendente	ADJ	AQ0CP0	_	38	amod	_	SpaceAfter=No|Treeler:s.a
40	.	.	PUNCT	Fp	_	36	punct	_	Treeler:f

# visual-style 45	bgColor:blue
# visual-style 45	fgColor:white
# visual-style 39	bgColor:blue
# visual-style 39	fgColor:white
# visual-style 39 45 list	color:blue
1	Unha	un	DET	DI0FS0	_	2	det	_	Treeler:spec
2	explicación	explicación	NOUN	NCFS000	_	4	nsubj	_	Treeler:suj
3	posible	posible	ADJ	AQ0CS0	_	2	amod	_	Treeler:s.a
4	é	ser	VERB	VSIP3S0	_	0	root	_	Treeler:sentence
5	que	que	SCONJ	CS	_	19	mark	_	Treeler:conj
6	a	o	DET	DA0FS0	_	7	det	_	Treeler:spec
7	capacidade	capacidade	NOUN	NCFS000	_	19	nsubj	_	Treeler:suj
8	de	de	ADP	SPS00	_	10	case	_	Treeler:sp
9	as	o	DET	DA0FP0	_	10	det	_	Treeler:spec
10	organizacións	organización	NOUN	NCFP000	_	7	nmod	_	Treeler:sn
11	para	para	ADP	SPS00	_	12	case	_	Treeler:sp
12	reproducir	reproducir	VERB	VMN0000	_	7	ccomp	_	Treeler:S
13	ou	ou	CCONJ	CC	_	12	cc	_	ToDo=cc-without-conj|Treeler:coord
14	para	para	ADP	SPS00	_	15	case	_	Treeler:sp
15	manter	manter	VERB	VMN0000	_	12	ccomp	_	Treeler:S
16	as	o	DET	DA0FP0	_	18	det	_	Treeler:spec
17	súas	seu	DET	DP3FP0	_	16	det	_	Treeler:d
18	estructuras	estructuras	NOUN	NCFP000	_	15	obj	_	Treeler:cd
19	aumenta	aumentar	VERB	VMIP3S0	_	4	ccomp	_	Treeler:S
20	de	de	ADP	SPS00	_	21	case	_	Treeler:cc
21	forma	forma	NOUN	NCFS000	_	19	obl	_	Treeler:sn
22	exponencial	exponencial	ADJ	AQ0CS0	_	21	amod	_	Treeler:s.a
23	con	con	ADP	SPS00	_	25	case	_	Treeler:cc
24	a	o	DET	DA0FS0	_	25	det	_	Treeler:spec
25	idade	idade	NOUN	NCFS000	_	19	obl	_	SpaceAfter=No|Treeler:sn
26	,	,	PUNCT	Fc	_	27	punct	_	Treeler:f
27	logo	logo	ADV	RG	_	19	case	_	ToDo=case-upos|Treeler:cc
28	de	de	ADP	SPS00	_	31	case	_	Treeler:sp
29	os	o	DET	DA0MP0	_	31	det	_	Treeler:spec
30	primeiros	primeiro	ADJ	AO0MP0	_	31	amod	_	Treeler:s.a
31	anos	ano	NOUN	NCMP000	_	19	obl	_	Treeler:sn
32	de	de	ADP	SPS00	_	34	case	_	Treeler:sp
33	a	o	DET	DA0FS0	_	34	det	_	Treeler:spec
34	vida	vida	NOUN	NCFS000	_	31	nmod	_	Treeler:sn
35	de	de	ADP	SPS00	_	37	case	_	Treeler:sp
36	unha	un	DET	DI0FS0	_	37	det	_	Treeler:spec
37	organización	organización	NOUN	NCFS000	_	34	nmod	_	Treeler:sn
38	(	(	PUNCT	Fpa	_	39	punct	_	SpaceAfter=No|Treeler:f
39	Hannan	hannan	PROPN	VMIP3P0	Foreign=Yes	19	parataxis	_	Treeler:inc
40	e	e	CCONJ	CC	_	41	cc	_	Treeler:coord
41	Freeman	freeman	PROPN	VMIP3P0	_	39	conj	_	SpaceAfter=No|Treeler:S
42	,	,	PUNCT	Fc	_	43	punct	_	Treeler:f
43	1984	1984	NUM	Z	_	39	list	_	SpaceAfter=No|ToDo=cc-without-conj|Treeler:et
44	,	,	PUNCT	Fc	_	45	punct	_	Treeler:f
45	pp.	pp.	NOUN	NP00000	_	39	list	_	Treeler:sn
46	157-158	157-158	NUM	Z	_	45	nmod	_	SpaceAfter=No|Treeler:sn
47	)	)	PUNCT	Fpt	_	39	punct	_	SpaceAfter=No|Treeler:f
48	.	.	PUNCT	Fp	_	4	punct	_	Treeler:f