Treebank Statistics: UD_Faroese-FarPaHC: Features: Case
This feature is universal.
It occurs with 4 different values: Acc
, Dat
, Gen
, Nom
14493 tokens (36%) have a non-empty value of Case
2356 types (66%) occur at least once with a non-empty value of Case
1 lemmas (17%) occur at least once with a non-empty value of Case
The feature is used with 8 part-of-speech tags: PRON (6053; 15% instances), NOUN (4132; 10% instances), PROPN (1830; 5% instances), DET (1598; 4% instances), ADJ (741; 2% instances), NUM (104; 0% instances), VERB (25; 0% instances), ADV (10; 0% instances).
6053 PRON tokens (100% of all PRON
tokens) have a non-empty value of Case
tokens may have the following values of Case
(1442; 24% of non-emptyCase
): hann, tað, teir, meg, seg, teg, tykkum, hvat, hana, teyDat
(1218; 20% of non-emptyCase
): tí, honum, teimum, tykkum, mær, sær, tær, okkum, sínum, mínumGen
(524; 9% of non-emptyCase
): hansara, tykkara, teirra, tess, okkara, sín, mín, míns, hennara, tínNom
(2869; 47% of non-emptyCase
): hann, eg, teir, tit, tú, tað, vit, tey, hon, mín
4132 NOUN tokens (100% of all NOUN
tokens) have a non-empty value of Case
The most frequent other feature values with which NOUN
and Case
co-occurred: Number=Sing (3075; 74%), Definite=Ind (2670; 65%).
tokens may have the following values of Case
(1647; 40% of non-emptyCase
): orð, lív, dagin, faðirin, tekin, fólkið, heimin, boð, mann, dagarDat
(1194; 29% of non-emptyCase
): móti, navni, stað, anda, heiminum, halgidóminum, himni, lærusveinum, bygdini, trúgvGen
(183; 4% of non-emptyCase
): faðirs, manna, orða, lívsins, navns, faðirsins, heimsins, jarðar, himmals, hövdingaNom
(1108; 27% of non-emptyCase
): faðirin, maður, menn, faðir, lærusveinar, heimurin, sonur, lærusveinarnir, bröður, andi
1830 PROPN tokens (100% of all PROPN
tokens) have a non-empty value of Case
The most frequent other feature values with which PROPN
and Case
co-occurred: Number=Sing (1677; 92%), Definite=Ind (1633; 89%).
tokens may have the following values of Case
(278; 15% of non-emptyCase
): Jesus, Guð, Pætur, Harran, Paulus, Jödarnar, Símun, Filippus, Barnabas, KristDat
(344; 19% of non-emptyCase
): Guði, Jerúsalem, Jesusi, Galileu, Jödum, Jödunum, Júdeu, Paulusi, Egyptalandi, NasaretGen
(347; 19% of non-emptyCase
): Guðs, Harrans, Jesu, Jerúsalem, Ísraels, Jödanna, Krists, Antiokíu, Jóhannesar, ÁbrahamsNom
(861; 47% of non-emptyCase
): Jesus, Guð, Pætur, harri, Jödarnir, Símun, Jóhannes, Kristus, Paulus, Harrin
1598 DET tokens (100% of all DET
tokens) have a non-empty value of Case
tokens may have the following values of Case
(606; 38% of non-emptyCase
): hetta, ein, tann, eina, alt, einki, eitt, allar, henda, nakaðDat
(244; 15% of non-emptyCase
): hesum, öllum, einum, hinum, tí, teimum, teirri, eini, nökrum, hvörjumGen
(21; 1% of non-emptyCase
): als, hins, einkis, alra, hinna, tessNom
(727; 45% of non-emptyCase
): tann, ein, hetta, allir, hvör, eingin, hesin, alt, nakar, nakrir
741 ADJ tokens (100% of all ADJ
tokens) have a non-empty value of Case
The most frequent other feature values with which ADJ
and Case
co-occurred: Degree=Pos (684; 92%).
tokens may have the following values of Case
(209; 28% of non-emptyCase
): ævigt, sama, gott, högru, frískan, heilagan, egna, elstu, heilaga, langaDat
(177; 24% of non-emptyCase
): heilagum, longu, deyðum, sonnum, egna, evsta, leysum, fyrstuni, harðari, hebráiskumGen
(12; 2% of non-emptyCase
): heilaga, deyða, djevuls, einborna, hægsta, rættvísa, vándra, æviga, ósúrgaðuNom
(343; 46% of non-emptyCase
): sannur, blindur, stór, störri, góðu, heilagi, deyður, elstu, góður, sjúkur
104 NUM tokens (100% of all NUM
tokens) have a non-empty value of Case
tokens may have the following values of Case
(60; 58% of non-emptyCase
): tveir, tríggjar, fjöruti, hundrað, fýra, tólv, fimm, seks, tríati, tveyDat
(21; 20% of non-emptyCase
): fýra, trimum, ellivu, fimm, hundrað, tveimum, fimmti, sjey, sjúti, tólvGen
(3; 3% of non-emptyCase
): fimmti, fjöruti, tveggjaNom
(20; 19% of non-emptyCase
): tveir, túsund, fimm, fýra, seks, tríggir, tólv, fjöruti, trý, átta
25 VERB tokens (0% of all VERB
tokens) have a non-empty value of Case
The most frequent other feature values with which VERB
and Case
co-occurred: Mood=EMPTY (25; 100%), VerbForm=Part (23; 92%), Tense=Past (22; 88%).
tokens may have the following values of Case
(17; 68% of non-emptyCase
): dýrmettan, dýrmett, bundin, bundnan, falnu, komnar, samanballaðan, settan, stongt, sundurspjadduDat
(7; 28% of non-emptyCase
): gjördari, gjördum, fyriskipaða, kvaldum, rættum, salvaða, steinsettumNom
(1; 4% of non-emptyCase
): lestanEMPTY
(5324): segði, sigur, sögdu, kom, fór, svaraði, kemur, fóru, koma, komin
10 ADV tokens (0% of all ADV
tokens) have a non-empty value of Case
The most frequent other feature values with which ADV
and Case
co-occurred: Degree=EMPTY (10; 100%).
tokens may have the following values of Case
(3; 30% of non-emptyCase
): hvörja, mongDat
(1; 10% of non-emptyCase
): hvörjumGen
(1; 10% of non-emptyCase
): frímóðigaNom
(5; 50% of non-emptyCase
): hvör, ein, hannEMPTY
(2359): tá, ikki, nú, har, eisini, so, aftur, saman, sanniliga, burtur
Relations with Agreement in Case
The 10 most frequent relations where parent and child node agree in Case
NOUN –[det]–> DET (514; 100%),
NOUN –[nmod:poss]–> PRON (341; 56%),
NOUN –[amod]–> ADJ (277; 100%),
NOUN –[amod]–> DET (189; 100%),
NOUN –[conj]–> NOUN (142; 99%),
ADJ –[nsubj]–> PRON (72; 95%),
NOUN –[nummod]–> NUM (68; 99%),
PRON –[xcomp]–> NOUN (64; 90%),
PROPN –[dep]–> PROPN (64; 100%),
PROPN –[flat:name]–> PROPN (52; 85%).