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Treebank Statistics: UD_German-HDT: Features: Tense

This feature is universal. It occurs with 2 different values: Past, Pres.

266522 tokens (8%) have a non-empty value of Tense. 8961 types (5%) occur at least once with a non-empty value of Tense. 3370 lemmas (5%) occur at least once with a non-empty value of Tense. The feature is used with 2 part-of-speech tags: AUX (133537; 4% instances), VERB (132985; 4% instances).


133537 AUX tokens (87% of all AUX tokens) have a non-empty value of Tense.

The most frequent other feature values with which AUX and Tense co-occurred: Mood=Ind (133537; 100%), VerbForm=Fin (133535; 100%), Person=3 (130825; 98%), Number=Sing (93215; 70%), VerbType=EMPTY (88098; 66%).

AUX tokens may have the following values of Tense:

Paradigm seinPresPast
Number=Sing|Person=1bin, sei, wärewar
Number=Sing|Person=3ist, sei, wäre, wärwar
Number=Plur|Person=1sind, wären, seienwaren
Number=Plur|Person=3sind, seien, wärenwaren


132985 VERB tokens (50% of all VERB tokens) have a non-empty value of Tense.

The most frequent other feature values with which VERB and Tense co-occurred: Aspect=EMPTY (132985; 100%), Mood=Ind (132985; 100%), VerbForm=Fin (132983; 100%), Person=3 (131084; 99%), Number=Sing (100434; 76%).

VERB tokens may have the following values of Tense:

Paradigm gebenPresPast
Number=Sing|Person=1geb, gebe
Number=Sing|Person=3gibt, gebe, gäbegab
Number=Plur|Person=3geben, gäbengaben

Relations with Agreement in Tense

The 10 most frequent relations where parent and child node agree in Tense: AUX –[conj]–> VERB (360; 51%), VERB –[conj]–> AUX (300; 52%), AUX –[conj]–> AUX (38; 76%), AUX –[ccomp]–> AUX (11; 73%), AUX –[parataxis]–> AUX (4; 67%), VERB –[obl]–> AUX (3; 60%), AUX –[nsubj]–> VERB (1; 100%), AUX –[reparandum]–> AUX (1; 100%).