Tagset en::penn
Disclaimer: This conversion table was generated automatically via Interset. It uses only tags (+ features) as input, therefore it is only an approximation. Some tags can only be mapped if we also know the lemma or the syntactic context; such information has not been available here. The table requires manual postprocessing in order to provide accurate and complete information.
Tagset en::penn, total 48 tags.
# | => | SYM | _ | # |
$ | => | SYM | _ | $, C$, US$, A$, HK$ |
'' | => | PUNCT | PunctSide=Fin|PunctType=Quot | '', ' |
, | => | PUNCT | PunctType=Comm | ,, 2, an |
-LRB- | => | PUNCT | PunctSide=Ini|PunctType=Brck | |
-RRB- | => | PUNCT | PunctSide=Fin|PunctType=Brck | |
. | => | PUNCT | PunctType=Peri | ., ?, ! |
: | => | PUNCT | _ | --, :, ;, ..., - |
AFX | => | ADJ | Hyph=Yes | |
CC | => | CCONJ | _ | and, or, but, &, nor |
CD | => | NUM | NumType=Card | million, billion, one, two, three |
DT | => | DET | _ | the, a, an, this, some |
EX | => | PRON | AdvType=Ex | there |
FW | => | X | Foreign=Yes | de, perestroika, glasnost, vs., naczelnik |
HYPH | => | PUNCT | PunctType=Dash | |
IN | => | ADP | _ | of, in, for, on, that |
JJ | => | ADJ | Degree=Pos | new, other, last, such, first |
JJR | => | ADJ | Degree=Cmp | more, higher, lower, less, better |
JJS | => | ADJ | Degree=Sup | most, least, largest, latest, best |
LS | => | X | NumType=Ord | 3, 2, 1, 4, First |
MD | => | VERB | VerbType=Mod | will, would, could, can, may |
NIL | => | X | _ | ), } |
NN | => | NOUN | Number=Sing | %, company, year, market, share |
NNP | => | PROPN | Number=Sing | Mr., U.S., Corp., New, Inc. |
NNPS | => | PROPN | Number=Plur | Securities, Democrats, Americans, Brothers, Airlines |
NNS | => | NOUN | Number=Plur | years, shares, sales, companies, prices |
PDT | => | DET | AdjType=Pdt | all, such, half, both, nary |
POS | => | PART | Poss=Yes | 's, ' |
PRP | => | PRON | PronType=Prs | it, he, they, I, we |
PRP$ | => | DET | Poss=Yes|PronType=Prs | its, his, their, our, her |
RB | => | ADV | Degree=Pos | n't, not, also, only, as |
RBR | => | ADV | Degree=Cmp | more, earlier, less, higher, further |
RBS | => | ADV | Degree=Sup | most, best, least, hardest, Worst |
RP | => | ADP | PartType=Vbp | up, out, off, down, in |
SYM | => | SYM | _ | a, c, \*, \*\*, b |
TO | => | PART | PartType=Inf|VerbForm=Inf | to, na |
UH | => | INTJ | _ | yes, well, no, OK, oh |
VB | => | VERB | VerbForm=Inf | be, have, make, buy, get |
VBD | => | VERB | Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin | said, was, were, had, did |
VBG | => | VERB | Aspect=Prog|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Part | including, being, according, going, making |
VBN | => | VERB | Aspect=Perf|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part | been, expected, made, based, sold |
VBP | => | VERB | Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin | are, have, do, say, 're |
VBZ | => | VERB | Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin | is, has, says, 's, does |
WDT | => | DET | PronType=Int,Rel | which, that, what, whatever, .what |
WP | => | PRON | PronType=Int,Rel | who, what, whom, whoever |
WP$ | => | DET | Poss=Yes|PronType=Int,Rel | whose |
WRB | => | ADV | PronType=Int,Rel | when, how, where, why, whenever |
`` | => | PUNCT | PunctSide=Ini|PunctType=Quot | ``, `, non-`` |