: coordinating conjunction
A coordinating conjunction is a word that links words or larger constituents without syntactically subordinating one to the other and expresses a semantic relationship between them.
In BulTreeBank tagset there are three types of conjunctions:
Cc (single coordinating conjunction)
- но / no “but”
Cr (repetitive conjunction). These usually contain at least two parts.
- хем…, хем… / hem…, hem… “either…. or….”
Cp (single and repetitive conjunction). These usually are used as singletons, but they also might be used in a repetitive chain.
- и / i “and”
Treebank Statistics (UD_Bulgarian)
There are 25 CONJ
lemmas (0%), 29 CONJ
types (0%) and 4860 CONJ
tokens (3%).
Out of 16 observed tags, the rank of CONJ
is: 9 in number of lemmas, 11 in number of types and 10 in number of tokens.
The 10 most frequent CONJ
lemmas: и, но, а, или, нито, та, ама, ни, ала, тоест
The 10 most frequent CONJ
types: и, но, а, или, нито, та, &, ама, ни, ала
The 10 most frequent ambiguous lemmas: и (CONJ 3873, PROPN 2), а (CONJ 265, PROPN 7, NOUN 3, PART 2), нито (PART 30, CONJ 28), та (CONJ 18, PART 2), тоест (CONJ 8, ADV 1), хем (CONJ 8, PROPN 1), па (CONJ 6, PART 1), плюс (CONJ 4, ADP 1), ами (PART 5, CONJ 3, PROPN 1), било (CONJ 3, NOUN 1)
The 10 most frequent ambiguous types: и (CONJ 3679, PROPN 2), а (CONJ 188, PROPN 2), нито (PART 27, CONJ 23), ни (PRON 282, CONJ 12), плюс (CONJ 4, ADP 1), било (VERB 24, AUX 12, CONJ 3, NOUN 1), - (PUNCT 955, PROPN 4, CONJ 2, ADP 1), че (SCONJ 1030, CONJ 2), / (PUNCT 9, ADP 2, CONJ 1), то (PRON 46, PART 8, CONJ 1)
- и
- а
- нито
- ни
- плюс
- било
- VERB 24: Книга за Хрушчов би било формалното й обяснение .
- AUX 12: Детето било прието в петък следобед във видимо добро състояние .
- CONJ 3: И винаги съм гледал било на власт , било в опозиция , да помогна , доколкото мога , с моето скромно мнение и съвет .
- NOUN 1: Той се изкачваше по високото било на планината , където вятърът къдреше тревата на поляните , а наоколо беше синьо небе и бели облаци .
- -
- PUNCT 955: - Реже нещо .
- PROPN 4: АЕЦ “ Белене “ стана като Дунав мост - 2
- CONJ 2: В първа дивизия това са срещите “ Крю А “ - “ Куинс Парк Рейнджърс “ и “ Кристъл Палас “ - “ Хъдърсфийлд “ .
- ADP 1: ЦСКА - “ Нефтохимик “ е най-интересният двубой от осминафиналите в турнира за купата на България “ Форд Мото-Пфое “ , стана ясно след вчерашния жребий .
- че
- /
- то
The form / lemma ratio of CONJ
is 1.160000 (the average of all parts of speech is 1.728233).
The 1st highest number of forms (4) was observed with the lemma “и”: &, +, -, и.
The 2nd highest number of forms (2) was observed with the lemma “или”: /, или.
The 3rd highest number of forms (1) was observed with the lemma “et”: et.
does not occur with any features.
nodes are attached to their parents using 6 different relations: cc (4796; 99% instances), mwe (55; 1% instances), mark (3; 0% instances), discourse (2; 0% instances), nsubj (2; 0% instances), root (2; 0% instances)
Parents of CONJ
nodes belong to 13 different parts of speech: NOUN (2023; 42% instances), VERB (1900; 39% instances), PROPN (402; 8% instances), ADJ (289; 6% instances), ADV (125; 3% instances), PRON (50; 1% instances), NUM (32; 1% instances), DET (21; 0% instances), PART (8; 0% instances), ADP (6; 0% instances), ROOT (2; 0% instances), CONJ (1; 0% instances), INTJ (1; 0% instances)
4269 (88%) CONJ
nodes are leaves.
583 (12%) CONJ
nodes have one child.
7 (0%) CONJ
nodes have two children.
1 (0%) CONJ
nodes have three or more children.
The highest child degree of a CONJ
node is 3.
Children of CONJ
nodes are attached using 6 different relations: punct (582; 97% instances), discourse (9; 2% instances), advmod (5; 1% instances), conj (2; 0% instances), acl (1; 0% instances), cc (1; 0% instances)
Children of CONJ
nodes belong to 5 different parts of speech: PUNCT (582; 97% instances), PART (9; 2% instances), ADV (5; 1% instances), VERB (3; 1% instances), CONJ (1; 0% instances)
CONJ in other languages: [bg] [cs] [de] [el] [en] [es] [eu] [fa] [fi] [fr] [ga] [he] [hu] [it] [ja] [ko] [sv] [u]