TIRA Setup Preferences (sent 2017-03-12 21:45 CET)

Dear participants of the CoNLL 2017 shared task,

as you know, the shared task invites software submissions instead of run submissions this year. Among other things, this makes a shared task such as this much more reproducible.

To facilitate software submissions, TIRA (www.tira.io) is employed, where virtual machines are hosted which can be remote-controled via the web page. You will be assigned a virtual machine of your choosing for deployment of your software. If you wish to claim your virtual machine now, please let us know which operating system you prefer:

[ ] Ubuntu 16.04 Server [ ] Ubuntu 16.04 Desktop [ ] Ubuntu 14.04 Server [ ] Ubuntu 14.04 Desktop [ ] Fedora 24.1.2 Desktop [ ] Windows 7

We will set up a corresponding virtual machine for you and send further information on how to gain access.

In addition, we will assign a private (!) Git repository to you on TIRA’s GitHub presence, where you may organize the source code of your software. If you wish to go all the way in terms of reproducibility, this will allow the CoNLL organizers to release your source code alongside your notebooks after the shared task as a kind of “Open Source Proceedings”, therby significantly increasing the visibility of your approaches.

Best regards, Martin Potthast on behalf of the CoNLL organizing committee