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Treebank Statistics: UD_Dutch-LassySmall: Relations: advmod

This relation is universal.

13192 nodes (4%) are attached to their parents as advmod.

9884 instances of advmod (75%) are right-to-left (child precedes parent). Average distance between parent and child is 2.95929351121892.

The following 22 pairs of parts of speech are connected with advmod: VERB-ADV (7849; 59% instances), VERB-ADJ (2231; 17% instances), ADJ-ADV (1307; 10% instances), ADV-ADV (519; 4% instances), ADJ-ADJ (490; 4% instances), NOUN-ADV (416; 3% instances), NOUN-ADJ (91; 1% instances), ADV-ADJ (72; 1% instances), ADP-ADV (48; 0% instances), PROPN-ADV (39; 0% instances), NUM-ADV (33; 0% instances), PRON-ADV (32; 0% instances), VERB-ADP (27; 0% instances), PRON-ADJ (9; 0% instances), X-ADV (9; 0% instances), ADP-ADJ (7; 0% instances), DET-ADV (4; 0% instances), PROPN-ADJ (3; 0% instances), VERB-DET (3; 0% instances), DET-ADJ (1; 0% instances), NUM-ADJ (1; 0% instances), X-ADJ (1; 0% instances).

# visual-style 2	bgColor:blue
# visual-style 2	fgColor:white
# visual-style 1	bgColor:blue
# visual-style 1	fgColor:white
# visual-style 1 2 advmod	color:blue
1	Zie	zien	VERB	WW|pv|tgw|ev	Number=Sing|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin	0	root	0:root	_
2	ook	ook	ADV	BW	_	1	advmod	1:advmod	_

# visual-style 4	bgColor:blue
# visual-style 4	fgColor:white
# visual-style 3	bgColor:blue
# visual-style 3	fgColor:white
# visual-style 3 4 advmod	color:blue
1	De	de	DET	LID|bep|stan|rest	Definite=Def	2	det	2:det	_
2	gemeente	gemeente	NOUN	N|soort|ev|basis|zijd|stan	Gender=Com|Number=Sing	3	nsubj	3:nsubj	_
3	telt	tellen	VERB	WW|pv|tgw|met-t	Number=Sing|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin	0	root	0:root	_
4	ruim	ruim	ADJ	ADJ|vrij|basis|zonder	Degree=Pos	3	advmod	3:advmod	_
5	19.500	19.500	NUM	TW|hoofd|prenom|stan	_	6	nummod	6:nummod	_
6	inwoners	inwoner	NOUN	N|soort|mv|basis	Number=Plur	3	obj	3:obj	SpaceAfter=No
7	.	.	PUNCT	LET	_	3	punct	3:punct	_

# visual-style 6	bgColor:blue
# visual-style 6	fgColor:white
# visual-style 7	bgColor:blue
# visual-style 7	fgColor:white
# visual-style 7 6 advmod	color:blue
1	De	de	DET	LID|bep|stan|rest	Definite=Def	2	det	2:det	_
2	verhalen	verhaal	NOUN	N|soort|mv|basis	Number=Plur	3	nsubj	3:nsubj	_
3	bleken	blijken	VERB	WW|pv|verl|mv	Number=Plur|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin	0	root	0:root	_
4	echter	echter	ADV	BW	_	3	advmod	3:advmod	_
5	veel	veel	PRON	VNW|onbep|grad|stan|vrij|zonder|basis	PronType=Ind	6	nmod	6:nmod	_
6	te	te	ADV	BW	_	7	advmod	7:advmod	_
7	Vlaams/Nederlands	Vlaams_Nederlands	ADJ	ADJ|vrij|basis|zonder	Degree=Pos	3	xcomp	3:xcomp	SpaceAfter=No
8	.	.	PUNCT	LET	_	3	punct	3:punct	_