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Treebank Statistics: UD_Moksha-JR: Relations: aux

This relation is universal. There are 5 language-specific subtypes of aux: aux:cnd, aux:nec, aux:neg, aux:opt, aux:q.

6 nodes (0%) are attached to their parents as aux.

4 instances of aux (67%) are right-to-left (child precedes parent). Average distance between parent and child is 1.

The following 4 pairs of parts of speech are connected with aux: NOUN-AUX (2; 33% instances), VERB-AUX (2; 33% instances), ADJ-AUX (1; 17% instances), PRON-AUX (1; 17% instances).

# visual-style 4	bgColor:blue
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# visual-style 3 4 aux	color:blue
1	Школьнай	школьнай	ADJ	A	Case=Nom|Definite=Ind|Number=Sing	3	amod	_	GTtags=Sg,Nom,Indef
2	фкя	фкя	NUM	Num	Case=Nom|Definite=Ind|Number=Sing|NumType=Card	3	nummod	_	GTtags=Card,Sg,Nom,Indef
3	комнатаса	комната	NOUN	N	Case=Ine|Definite=Ind|Number=Plur,Sing	0	root	_	GTtags=SP,Ine,Indef
4	ульсь	улемс	AUX	V	Mood=Ind|Number[subj]=Sing|Person[subj]=3|Tense=Past	3	aux	_	GTtags=IV,Ind,Prt1,ScSg3
5	эчке	эчке	ADJ	A	Case=Nom|Definite=Ind|Number=Sing	6	amod	_	GTtags=Sg,Nom,Indef
6	доскаста	доска	NOUN	N	Case=Ela|Definite=Ind|Number=Plur,Sing	7	obl	_	GTtags=SP,Ela,Indef
7	шавф	шавомс	VERB	V	Derivation=F|VerbForm=Part	8	advcl	_	GTtags=TV,PrfPrc
8	верстак	верстак	NOUN	N	Case=Nom|Definite=Ind|Number=Sing	3	nsubj	_	GTtags=Sg,Nom,Indef|SpaceAfter=No
9	.	.	PUNCT	CLB	_	3	punct	_	_

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# visual-style 3 2 aux	color:blue
1	Оду	оду	ADV	Adv	AdvType=Tim	3	advmod:tmod	_	GTtags=Sem/Time
2	савондяряй	савомс	AUX	_	Derivation=Cond|Mood=Ind|Number[subj]=Sing|Person[subj]=3	3	aux	_	GTtags=Cond,ScSg3
3	венцямс	венцямс	VERB	V	VerbForm=Inf	7	advcl	_	GTtags=Inf|SpaceAfter=No
4	,	,	PUNCT	_	_	3	punct	_	_
5	тонга	тон	PRON	Pron	Case=Nom|Clitic=AddGA|Number=Sing|Person=2|PronType=Prs	7	nsubj	_	GTtags=Pers,Sg2,Nom,Clt/Add
6	тяфта	тяфта	ADV	Adv	_	7	advmod	_	_
7	тик	тиемс	VERB	V	Mood=Imp|Number[subj]=Sing|Person[subj]=2	0	root	_	GTtags=Imprt,ScSg2
8	свадьбацень	свадьба	NOUN	N	Case=Gen|Number=Sing|Number[psor]=Sing|Person[psor]=2	7	obj	_	GTtags=Sg,Gen,PxSg2|SpaceAfter=No
9	.	.	PUNCT	_	_	7	punct	_	_

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# visual-style 3 2 aux	color:blue
1	Мехов	Мехов	PROPN	N	Case=Nom|Definite=Ind|NameType=Sur|Number=Sing	3	nsubj:cop	_	GTtags=Prop,Sem/Mal-Sur,Sg,Nom,Indef
2	ульсь	улемс	AUX	V	Mood=Ind|Number[subj]=Sing|Person[subj]=3|Tense=Past	3	aux	_	GTtags=IV,Ind,Prt1,ScSg3
3	оцю	оцю	ADJ	A	Case=Nom|Definite=Ind|Number=Sing	0	root	_	GTtags=Sg,Nom,Indef
4	сереc	сереc	NOUN	N	Case=Ill|Definite=Ind|Number=Plur,Sing	3	nmod	_	GTtags=SP,Ill,Indef|SpaceAfter=No
5	.	.	PUNCT	CLB	_	3	punct	_	_