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Treebank Statistics: UD_Spanish-GSD: Relations: advcl

This relation is universal.

7114 nodes (2%) are attached to their parents as advcl.

5916 instances of advcl (83%) are left-to-right (parent precedes child). Average distance between parent and child is 7.41144222659545.

The following 37 pairs of parts of speech are connected with advcl: VERB-VERB (5105; 72% instances), NOUN-VERB (1090; 15% instances), ADJ-VERB (358; 5% instances), VERB-NOUN (150; 2% instances), VERB-ADJ (113; 2% instances), ADV-VERB (49; 1% instances), PRON-VERB (41; 1% instances), VERB-INTJ (23; 0% instances), VERB-PRON (21; 0% instances), VERB-PROPN (20; 0% instances), ADJ-ADJ (18; 0% instances), PROPN-VERB (16; 0% instances), NOUN-NOUN (15; 0% instances), VERB-ADV (13; 0% instances), ADJ-NOUN (12; 0% instances), DET-VERB (11; 0% instances), NOUN-ADJ (11; 0% instances), NUM-VERB (8; 0% instances), ADJ-INTJ (5; 0% instances), ADP-VERB (4; 0% instances), NOUN-INTJ (4; 0% instances), X-VERB (4; 0% instances), AUX-VERB (3; 0% instances), ADV-NOUN (2; 0% instances), PRON-INTJ (2; 0% instances), SYM-VERB (2; 0% instances), VERB-CCONJ (2; 0% instances), VERB-DET (2; 0% instances), VERB-X (2; 0% instances), ADV-ADJ (1; 0% instances), NOUN-PRON (1; 0% instances), NUM-ADJ (1; 0% instances), PRON-ADV (1; 0% instances), PRON-NOUN (1; 0% instances), VERB-ADP (1; 0% instances), VERB-AUX (1; 0% instances), VERB-SYM (1; 0% instances).

# visual-style 8	bgColor:blue
# visual-style 8	fgColor:white
# visual-style 3	bgColor:blue
# visual-style 3	fgColor:white
# visual-style 3 8 advcl	color:blue
1	El	el	DET	_	Definite=Def|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|PronType=Art	2	det	_	_
2	sitio	sitio	NOUN	_	Gender=Masc|Number=Sing	3	nsubj	_	_
3	tiene	tener	VERB	_	Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin	0	root	_	_
4	terraza	terraza	NOUN	_	Gender=Fem|Number=Sing	3	obj	_	_
5	en	en	ADP	_	_	6	case	_	_
6	verano	verano	NOUN	_	Gender=Masc|Number=Sing	3	obl	_	_
7	para	para	ADP	_	_	8	mark	_	_
8	comer	comer	VERB	_	VerbForm=Inf	3	advcl	_	_
9	o	o	CCONJ	_	_	10	cc	_	_
10	cenar	cenar	VERB	_	VerbForm=Inf	8	conj	_	_
11	fuera	fuera	ADV	_	_	10	advmod	_	SpaceAfter=No
12	.	.	PUNCT	_	_	3	punct	_	_

# visual-style 6	bgColor:blue
# visual-style 6	fgColor:white
# visual-style 1	bgColor:blue
# visual-style 1	fgColor:white
# visual-style 1 6 advcl	color:blue
1	Gracias	gracia	NOUN	_	Gender=Fem|Number=Plur	0	root	_	_
2	Lupe	lupe	PROPN	_	_	1	dep	_	_
3	y	y	CCONJ	_	_	4	cc	_	_
4	Ana	ana	PROPN	_	_	2	conj	_	_
5	por	por	ADP	_	_	6	mark	_	_
6	hacer	hacer	VERB	_	VerbForm=Inf	1	advcl	_	_
7	me	yo	PRON	_	Case=Dat|Number=Sing|Person=1|PrepCase=Npr|PronType=Prs	6	obl:arg	_	_
8	la	el	DET	_	Definite=Def|Gender=Fem|Number=Sing|PronType=Art	9	det	_	_
9	vida	vida	NOUN	_	Gender=Fem|Number=Sing	6	obj	_	_
10	más	más	ADV	_	Degree=Cmp	11	advmod	_	_
11	fácil	fácil	ADJ	_	Number=Sing	6	xcomp	_	SpaceAfter=No
12	.	.	PUNCT	_	_	1	punct	_	_

# visual-style 6	bgColor:blue
# visual-style 6	fgColor:white
# visual-style 4	bgColor:blue
# visual-style 4	fgColor:white
# visual-style 4 6 advcl	color:blue
1	Es	ser	AUX	_	Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin	3	cop	_	_
2	un	uno	DET	_	Definite=Ind|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|PronType=Art	3	det	_	_
3	sitio	sitio	NOUN	_	Gender=Masc|Number=Sing	0	root	_	_
4	ideal	ideal	ADJ	_	Number=Sing	3	amod	_	_
5	para	para	ADP	_	_	6	mark	_	_
6	ir	ir	VERB	_	VerbForm=Inf	4	advcl	_	_
7	con	con	ADP	_	_	8	case	_	_
8	niños	niño	NOUN	_	Gender=Masc|Number=Plur	6	obl	_	SpaceAfter=No
9	.	.	PUNCT	_	_	3	punct	_	_