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This page pertains to UD version 2.

fixed: fixed multi-word expression

The multi-word expression (modifier) relation is used for certain fixed expressions that behave as a unit.

Multiword expressions are annotated in a flat, head-initial structure, in which all words in the expression modify the first one using the mwe label.

Itse asiassa hän tuli jo eilen . \n As_a matter_of_fact he came already yesterday .
fixed(Itse-1, asiassa-2)
advmod(tuli-4, Itse-1)
nsubj(tuli-4, hän-3)
advmod(tuli-4, eilen-6)
advmod(eilen-6, jo-5)
punct(tuli-4, .-7)

The following expressions are considered idiomatic, and their parts are to be combined with the dependency type fixed in UD Finnish. Note that this is not intended to be a closed list, but rather a list of examples that were encountered while annotating the TDT corpus. The two-part expressions that fall into the categories of coordinating and subordinating conjunctions are omitted here, and instead listed under cc and mark, respectively. Due to the idiomatic nature of these two-part expressions, the translations may on occasion not be very natural.







Other: (the POS may vary)

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